{Fashion Friday} Fall Swag In the September Mags!

{Fashion Friday} Fall Swag In the September Mags!

Fabulous Fashion Friday To All! The weekend is finally here!  Therefore, there’s nothing like the fun and frivolous side of life to take our minds off the stresses and strains of the week.  Speaking of fun and frivolous, this is the time of year that we fashionistas...
{Fashion Friday} Mother’s Day ‘Mad Men’-Style

{Fashion Friday} Mother’s Day ‘Mad Men’-Style

Happy Fashion Friday Folks! One televison show that has flexed its muscles in pop-culture is Mad Men, especially in the area of fashion.  Although fans of the show are enjoying its current season before it takes its final bow this year, its lady-like  fashions will be...
{Fashion Friday} Easter Bonnet With Frills Upon It!

{Fashion Friday} Easter Bonnet With Frills Upon It!

Happy Fashion Friday! In the 1948 classic, Easter Parade, Judy Garland and Fred Astaire sang about the lovely hats donned by fashionable socialites during the famous parade that became popular during the late 19th and early 20th century.  Although participation in the...