{Fashion Friday} Color Me Autumn

Happy Friday Fashion Inspiration Fellow Fashionistas! Whew, say that three times really quickly.  LOL!  Can you tell that I’m excited?  Well, while we are yet doing all we can to stay cool as thermometers rise, I am already looking forward to pulling out my leather,...

{Fashion Friday} National Flip Flop Day

Happy Friday!! In celebration of today being National Flip Flop Day we are showcasing some of our fave thonged footwear.  The question  if flip flops are appropriate footwear outside of the  sandy beaches is still debatably but for this one day just wear your flip...

It’s October~ Think pink and shop for the cure!

Shop for the Cure! We all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer, making it more important than ever to find a cure.  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and many of our favorite designers have gone pink by creating limited edition products...