Happy Wedding Wednesday!

We love featuring the fabulous love stories of our wonderful couples.  This past summer, TCE had the awesome opportunity to plan the wedding of Andrea + Kelvin at the Deerfield Golf and Tennis Club in Newark, DE.   The planning process required twelve months of long distance communication, and only two in-person meetings due to the couple residing in Illinois.  However, the event went off without a glitch, thus fulfilling their dream of a perfect wedding day!

In their own words, here’s the story of how they met on the road to matrimony…

 The summer before my final year in college I did an internship.  During that internship I met Kelvin’s college roomate.   A group of us from the internship would hang out and  Reginald (his roommate) and I were friends by the end of the internship.   I was talking to Reginald on the the phone one day and thought it would be good to meet some nice guys.  So he connected me with Kelvin.  We would talk on the phone.  At the time I lived in Iowa and he lived in Illinois.  We decided to just be  friends since it was best for the both of us during the time.  When we were friends we always had good conversations ranging from serious to light. Whenever we did hang out, we had a lot of fun. Finally, there was a moment where we both realized that we were great friends and that there might be something more to it.  So, we started to try to be more than friends.  We would see each other every month.  I would come up to Peoria one month and he would come down to Iowa another.  During the summer of 2010 I knew there was a point that we could no longer live in separate states and move forward with our relationship.  Also, based on our conversations, I knew that he cared about me deeply, and saw me as someone who would be in his life.  I was ready for a change of scenery so I decided to move. I finally found something in May 2011 and moved to Illinois.

In order to discuss the proposal I have to mention events leading up to it.  During the week of the proposal I had suspected it would happen, I just didn’t know when.  I remember one night he took me to this Itailian restaurant.  We were eating dinner, and he began to tell me a story about this girl he was sitting next to on the plane  who was drawing a picture of a bride.  In my head I was thinking this was the moment, but no it was just a story. Then he signaled the waitress over, so I am thinking maybe she has the ring, but again all he wanted was the check.  The funny part after that night I decided that it will happen when it does, so I just stopped trying to predict when in my head. That friday night we went to a steakhouse and had dinner.  Then we met up with some friends and hung out for a bit.  After awhile he decided to take me to this park that we often would go to just to sit and talk. I remember we were sitting on the picnic tables just looking up at the sky and talking.  Then he started talking about our relationship and the next thing I knew he is on his knee with the ring out.  At this point, I truly wasn’t expecting it.  Of course I said yes.
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Tiffany Chalk Signature
Photos coutesy of Kelley Marvel Photography