It is without further ado…..

Over the past few months I’ve been working on my company’s rebranding strategy with Stacie Francombe from Inspire Smart Success, and, the evolution process of T. Chalk Event Management  to its newly improved marque has been exciting to say the least.

Most people may ask why would there be a need to rebrand.  Sometimes in life, things don’t come to an end they just simply get better.  As the name T. Chalk Event Management was no longer a fit for where the company is headed or the clients that we serve, we determined that it was time to do just that.

With our new name and image, we are conveying to our clients our true personality in that, while we are serious about the business of event planning, we enjoy (and want our clients to enjoy) having fun in the process.   We are working hard behind the scenes to perfect our craft and going to the next level in every aspect of the business, and, are very enthusiastic about our new website and blog concepts that will be launching soon!

With that being said, say hello to Tiffany Chalk Events!!!

Tiffany Chalk Signature