Happy Tuesday Peeps!

Just when I thought I was out of the woods, here comes more snow.  Oh well, it’s okay because I will not let it put a damper on my excitement for spring.   Speaking of excitement,  are you on the lookout for ways to use your DIY skills whenever possible?   How about repurposing plasticware into home decor for spring!

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Whether it’s a sculptured mirror for your wall or an artichoke-inspired vase for your centerpiece, you’ll be amazed at what you can do with plastic spoons, glue, wire and a little patience.   In fact, you don’t have to stop with spoons.  Try using plastic forks and knives to make a unique creation to accent your home’s color palettes for spring.

If you’re worried about it looking too juvenile, there’s no need.  The easy breezy attitude that is synonymous with this season allows you the opportunity to get a little whimsical with your decor.  Plus, the budget-friendly materials will make it easy for you to create several looks for your home during the next few months.

So, let’s get to repurposing!


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