Happy Tuesday!

It’s a bea-u-ti-ful day in my neck of the woods.  Truly!  What a wonderful preview of the upcoming season.  It was almost as if all of nature was saying a collective, ‘Aaahhh!’   Of course, with spring comes the many florals in full bloom.  Not only are they great to look at in a gorgeous vase, they can also be used to decorate your space in more unique ways—especially pressed flowers.



Whether framed or added to woodworks, flatware or water glasses, pressed flowers provide a pretty highlight to spring home decor.   If you are not sure how to work your crafty skills, check out places like Lowes or Michael’s that offer step-by-step guides (or maybe even classes) on flower pressing.  By the way, this is a great alternative for decorating in case you share your space with someone who is allergic to florals.

Additionally, pressed flowers are very beautiful for decor at a wedding reception.  Instead of the traditional centerpiece, the bride’s favorite flower can be pressed into a frame and placed at each table.  If she wishes to, she can include her mother’s and her mother-in-law’s favorite flower as well.

So, let’s get it started because next week brings us the first day of Spring.  Here’s to a blossoming of ideas as you create a space flourished with florae!


Tiffany Chalk Signature