A special hello to all the newly minted brides-to-be!
Many of you are probably still basking in the afterglow of your Christmas Day proposal—and what girl wouldn’t be? However, as I mentioned yesterday, the clock is indeed ticking, and depending on when you want to get married, the sooner you start the planning process, the better.
You may ask, ‘What’s the big hurry?’ Well, consider this: you are not the only one who got engaged this week. Therefore, you are competing with a numerous amount of other brides as it relates to the Who, What, When, Where and How of your wedding. For example, you’ve dreamed of getting married at the Plaza Hotel in New York City during the autumn season. So, Fall 2014 looks like a possibility because you want to be ‘Mrs. Awesome Guy’ by next Christmas. However, at least fifty other brides-to-be are interested in getting married at the Plaza Hotel during that same period—for the same reason. Plus, if autumn 2014 is your target date that means that you have LESS than a year to plan for the big day. Think that time won’t fly by? Then, where did 2013 go, I ask you?
Please don’t think that I am trying to scare you because I’m not. As a wedding event designer, it is my passion to see that a bride’s wedding dream really does come true. Next to her relationship with the groom, a bride’s relationship with her wedding designer is extremely important—and can make or break one of the most important days of her life. So, as you relish in the joy of your engagement, start the search for a reputable planner — because you don’t have to search very far.